This author’s articles

Tuesday 6 March 2018
by  Admin APRED

N° 148. Youth, peace and the prevention of violent extremism / Jeunesse, paix et prévention du terrorisme.

In the collumn : member organisations. The study refered to is here (in French).
Dans la rubrique “organisations membres” L’étude mentionnée est ici.

Monday 5 March 2018
by  Admin APRED

N° 154. Psychosocial aspects of peace / Aspects psychosociaux de la paix.

Psychosocial dimensions of peace
Dimensions psychosociales de la paix

Sunday 11 February 2018
by  Admin APRED

For a right of access to mediation (Pour un droit d’accès à la médiation) Basel 2016

In collaboration with GSUM (Global South Unit on Mediation), the Center for Mediation in Africa of the University of Pretoria and Swisspeace, APRED participated in a professional workshop on mediation in 2016, with a paper called :
Is there a right of access to meditation?
The paper an the (...)

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